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The Prosperity Automated System.... UPDATE!!!!

Well as most of you know, the Prosperity Automated System created by Bill Osterhout is under investigation by the SEC. The SEC is an organization that investigates companies who have been thought to have been running MLM operations that are said to be ponzi schemes (a.k.a Pyramid Schemes). The Prosperity Automated Sytem is a one-up system that was developed so that ordinary people could make good money online without having to do anything but sit back and wait for money to come to them. The only problem with this was that their was no physical product to sell. All the members of the Prosperity Automated System were selling, were memberships to do the same thing. You pay $3,895 to basically get a website to promote, so that when someone joins the Prosperity Automated System through your site, you get paid $3,895. What the one-up means is that the person you join under is called your sponsor. When you make your first sale, your money will go to your sponsor. Every sale you have after your first one is clear profit for you.

To make a long story short, the Prosperity Automated System was a system that I promoted as well. But as the SEC investigation continues, all PAS sites have been shut down so that no sells will be made. NO one knows what will happen to the Prosperity Automated System. If everything turns out ok with the investigations, the Prosperity Automated System could continue to be in operation. Another system is being developed though that would conform to SEC rules. Its called Prosperity International. Developed by the MegaWealth corporation which is a part of the Prosperity Automated System, Prosperity International will be an "Ultimate Wealth & Prosperity Program" an Award Winning product collection of the nation's top Wealth educators. Worth over $6000 retail, the UWPP includes a collection of CD's and DVD's, books and manuals from Bob Proctor, James Ray, Donald Trump, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicolas, Brian Tracey, Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, Cory Rudl,Harv Ecker and
more. PLUS - online and teleconferences with leading experts and teachers offered
complimentary and exclusively to our members.

As you can see Proserity International will offer a physical product that will actually benefit those who purchase it. This was the main cause of the fallout of the Prosperity System, and the reason it was dubbed a "Scam" by so many people. I will keep everyone posted about the latests with Prosperity International, as well as the Prosperity Automated System.
